Top 7 email marketing mistakes entrepreneurs make

It’s hard to know where to begin with email marketing for your company. There are so many things that you need to keep track of – from the content, the layout, and even how often you send them out – that it can be overwhelming. It doesn’t help that there seems to be an endless list of tips on what not to do when emailing customers! Here are some common mistakes entrepreneurs make with their emails, along with our advice on how you can fix them, so they don’t happen again.

  1. Not setting up a clear goal for your email marketing:

There are so many reasons why email marketing can be beneficial for your business. For example, it can provide useful information to customers or encourage them to make a purchase. However, without having an actual goal in mind before you start sending messages out, there’s no way of knowing which email strategies will help you reach that goal and how they’ll impact traffic to your site (if at all).

  1. Not using visuals:

Email isn’t like social media where people want their newsfeeds filled with pictures and videos – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include any images! Images draw attention – both from the customer who opens up the email as well as those whose emails get forwarded along to their friends. There’s nothing wrong with including a picture of your product or emailing an infographic that explains something about your brand – just don’t do it so much that the email looks like spam!

  1. Sending out too many emails in a short period:

You want email to be a regular part of your customers’ lives – but that doesn’t mean you should email every day! Customers will look at email as spam if they’re getting it too often. The best thing to do is start with once a week and then slowly move up to twice or three times, depending on how receptive your customers are about the emails. If over half of them unsubscribe because there’s just too much coming from you, either tone down the frequency or think about what might have been causing so many people to opt out in the first place.

  1. Not segmenting your audience:

One email list that sends out the same email to everyone is a surefire way to annoy your customers and lose their trust. When you send an email blast, make sure it’s targeted at the right people by creating separate lists for different audiences. For example, if someone has already purchased from you once before, there is no need to include them in another email marketing campaign about discounts or new products because they are likely not interested in this information anymore – but they may be perfect targets for emails with helpful advice on how to get better results using what they have already bought! If you don’t have enough of an audience, then it is better to buy solo ads and market your product in front of the right people.

  1. Making your subject line sound like spam:

It’s so easy to catch email and delete it without looking at the content inside. That means your subject line has a tiny window of time to make an impression on your customers before they start scrolling through all their other email messages! You need something that will stand out from everything else in their inbox but not be over-the-top or spammy sounding.

You can get creative with how you present this information – for example, “A new way to [your product]” could actually work if your email focuses on a new benefit instead of just repeating what is already written on the page about the feature set of your product. Customers are more likely to read something like this because it doesn’t sound too sales while still giving them useful information.


  1. Putting off marketing to focus on the product or service:

Don’t forget that email marketing is a critical part of any successful company, even if you’re currently focusing your efforts on the product or service. Don’t get stuck in this rut since it’s very likely that there will be major changes to how email and digital marketing work within five years – making all past email lists obsolete!


Instead, make sure you plan ahead for future growth by creating an email checklist to ensure consistency across your campaigns while also leaving room for new ideas and experimentation with different layouts and content types. This way, even when other aspects of your business change, an email will remain an important tool in reaching out to current customers as well as potential ones who have never heard from you before.


  1. Not having a clear call to action:

Without an email call to action, your email will likely be ignored by customers. You need to tell them what you want them to do after they read the email and ideally make it as easy for a customer as clicking a button or two in order to take that next step with your business. Moreover, email call to action buttons should stand out from the email content itself and be easy for customers to find.



Email marketing is a powerful tool for growing your business, but emailing customers the wrong way can do more harm than good. Make sure you keep these email mistakes entrepreneurs make in mind so that your emails are effective and don’t cause any problems with customer relationships.