Define the Logo styles a Complete guide

Can you imagine Apple company without its famous logo with an apple bitten off or McDonald`s without its stylized image of the letter “M”? We could give examples without end, but the main thing to understand is that a logo is an integral part of a brand, its identifier, the main element of the image. It “speaks” about the company and its advantages. That is why there are so many difficulties in the preparation of a logo. Especially when you consider the variety of styles.

Fortunately, there are various logo generators on the market today, which provide considerable assistance in developing the ideal corporate identity. Turbologo is the best of the best, it offers many styles and shapes, so every user is sure to find something for themselves. Read on and you will learn all about logo styles and the rules for choosing one.

Logo styles: description

Today there are quite a lot of logo styles, and all of them have their differences and peculiarities, so it’s important to get acquainted with all of them to choose something appropriate for yourself. So, here are the most popular logo styles.


Multiple and solitary logos with a definite semantic load. Have a kind of “mystery” for the audience – each person can think of his or her associative series. Therefore, the development takes into account the psychological and emotional impact of individual elements, color combinations, and the overall composition.

  • Distinctive features: no templates, or prototypes.
  • Advantages: look interesting, attractive, cause associations, therefore well remembered.

Abstract logos are suitable for various brands, regardless of the type of activity. However, this style is better abandoned by firms that need complex elements to display their direction.


“Light” and understated logos that have no flashy elements and feature complete shapes. Are a combination of basic geometric shapes. Example: Samsung, Audi, and Lada logos.

  • Distinctive features: do not use semi-shadows, shadows, or volumetric elements, which can accentuate the details. Attention is usually paid to the generalized image.
  • Advantages: due to its versatility, it suits almost all companies. At the expense of brevity allows you to convey the CA strengths of the organization.

Classic style logo design – a great option for organizations that work in the field of medicine, construction, technology, etc.


Logos without unnecessary details. More and more “graphic garbage” is appearing on the Internet, so it is necessary to emphasize the important, excluding unnecessary. Minimalist style is just about that. Its main features: are neatness, simplicity, ease of perception, and at the same figurativeness. Minimalism allows the creation of a logo without unnecessary bulkiness, to present the philosophy and mission of the brand in detail and expressively.

  • Distinctive characteristics: harmony of forms, orderliness, economic use of design components, careful selection of elements, saving free space.
  • Advantages: the brand mark is neat, and attractive, with a competent selection of all components. Through the “visual” freedom is easy to understand the main message.

At the expense of its restraint has a limitation in the application. For example, it is not suitable for brands that work in the entertainment industry.

How to choose a logo style

If you want to choose your unique logo style it is important to know and adhere to some tips that will help create a unique brand. So, here are some basic tips for choosing a logo style.

A picture is worth a thousand words

A logo is a visual representation of a brand. Why say what you do when you can show it? Use simple icons and images to tell the consumer about yourself. Visual puns are a designer’s best friend.

Use geometric shapes

Geometric shapes are a great way to make a logo more noticeable. For example, the name can be placed in rectangular blocks, giving it a professional look. This also makes cross-platform branding easier, as a logo made up of rectangular blocks is easy to present digitally as well as for use on printed letterhead and presentations. Such a logo will also look good on souvenir products, such as pens or badge tapes.

Remember that color is key to good logo design

Monochrome doesn’t always mean black and white! Sometimes a black-and-white design can cut the eye too much, especially if we’re trying to catch that design’s “zen”. It’s better to use tones of the same color to create soft contrasts.

Simplicity as the basis of a good logo

Often the simplest things work best. Perhaps the best logo for your bakery would be an image with a couple of spikelets. If that solution feels right to you, use it.


Designing a logo is an interesting, fascinating process. If you devote enough time to it, you can create a brand identity that is no less recognizable than Google, Nike, Adidas, and others. And if you use a unique style, then your brand will be significantly different from the rest and will have a positive impact on the recognition of the company.