6 Ways To Increase the Conversion Rate of Your Landing Page

Have you spent hours designing your landing page? Are you struggling with improving your website conversion rate even after tirelessly pouring cash into performance marketing strategies like email marketing and PPC ads campaigns?


Suppose the answer to the previous questions is a yes, then read-on. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips on building traffic on your website, improving lead generation, and ultimately improving your website conversion rate.


After reading the strategies in this blog, you’ll know what you need to build your landing page sessions, impressions and improve Click Through Rate (CTR) of your ads. We’ll be covering aspects like monitoring on-site behavior and professional tips to help you increase your conversion rates.


But before getting started about website conversion rates, let’s understand the standard for a reasonable landing page conversion rate.

What is a Good Landing Page Conversion Rate?

Ask a group of digital marketers, SEO specialists, content strategists this question, and the answer will greatly vary. More often than not, you’ll get a broad answer starting with “it depends…” and would involve aspects such as goals, type of product, target audience, and even the call to action.


Typically, this range is around 2 – 5%. However, it is common to come across landing pages having more than 10% conversion rates. If you want to hit these metrics, you’ll have to change your approach to how visitors see your website’s landing page.


In a nutshell, you’ll need to work on building trust, cater to your audience through your landing page, and constantly improve the landing page through A/B Testing. You’ll also have to stay updated with Google’s latest policies and best practices to ensure your webpage continues to rank.


Gain Your Visitor’s Trust

If you don’t already know this, people often buy products and services from sellers they like, know and trust. Running a store in the digital sphere (a web store) is no different from the brick-and-mortar model, meaning that trust needs to be gained, incorporating feedback is just as necessary. You’ll also need to work on building a sales funnel, where visitors can ask queries and clear out any ambiguities about your business.


Today, business owners can set up their online shop quickly with the help of the right technology and leveraging the power of automation. Additionally, many landing page builders have premade website templates ready for business owners or website designers to use and customize.


With building a website out of the way, you’re probably wondering how to build trust through your landing page? Well, you can do this by adding these elements to your landing page.


  • Show that other clients and companies trust you by creating a Google My Business (GMB) page.
  • Place terms and conditions on product pages and as part of your cart experience.
  • Add contact information, social media links to your company page, and a phone number to show authenticity.
  • It’s always a good idea to include a picture of your team in your ‘about us’ section as the audience is more likely to trust a human face than a webpage.

Optimize Landing Pages for Mobile Users

The advancement of technology brings a significant increase in mobile internet users. Alongside this advancement, the latest website trends have adopted a hybrid approach catering to smartphone, tablet, and laptop/desktop users. Hence, a mobile responsive approach needs to be considered to ensure your online store gets the most audience.


If you haven’t optimized your landing pages for mobile users, you are likely to miss out on a lot of traffic. In addition to making your landing pages responsive, you should also consider how users interact with your website on desktop vs. mobile. Make sure that your mobile pages are streamlined and include multiple-choice, shorter sign-up forms that quickly fill out on a mobile device.


Create an Appealing CTA

A Call to Action (CTA) is the core intent behind creating a landing page. Most businesses’ web pages are geared to a specific purpose: to place an appointment, ask for a quote, purchase a service or a product, or sign up for a newsletter. So, if you’re looking for solid conversions, you’ll have to make it happen by making the CTA distinct on the website and appealing enough to click.


To make a compelling CTA, it’s essential to give good thought and design time. Today’s minimalism design philosophy suggests using imperative language in the CTA content copy, such as START HERE, GET NOW, JOIN, BUY or DOWNLOAD HERE.


You’ll need to make the CTA stand out on your page and add sense to instant gratification to click. For instance, many websites provide free coupons or some value addition that users can take away from clicking on the CTA. For example, if you want your audience to sign up for the newsletter, give them something worthwhile in return; hence, understanding customer journeys comes in.

Lazy Content Integration on Landing Pages

Based on Google’s May 2021 update, lazy content loading is something Google’s search algorithm prefers, rather than loading the entire page. You’ll notice website visitors sticking to your page longer if it has animations, embedded videos as opposed to just textual content.


Also, consider that most web users skim web pages in contrast to reading them entirely. Therefore, landing pages with a high word count tend to earn fewer conversions. However, if you gear your content to answer questions, it may get your landing page to rank on Google’s Featured Snippet.


The average conversion rate of a landing page with more miniature copy is 14% compared to 12% for landing pages having an extensive copy. So, some landing pages with less than 100 words covert around 50% compared with 500 words, specifically in the business services sector.


Thus, it is recommended that you cut down the fluff and keep relevant information on your landing page. You may also consider text formatting by using headers, bullets, and spacing to break up some large blocks of text, as Google’s web crawlers are more likely to pick this information. 

Talk to the Target Audience

To increase the conversion rate of your landing page, you’ll need to cater to the specific audience for whom your landing page is made. Addressing the pain points and showing how your offerings solve their problem effectively builds that connection.


To build trust, you’ll have to adopt a personalized with the target audience. Today, most buyers want specific and highly personalized messaging that tailors content based on their preferences. So, regardless of how visually appealing your landing page is, it will still fail to earn a high conversion rate if it fails to resonate with the ones landing on your page.


It’s essential to speak to your audience, and you can do so by understanding why your audience is looking for on your landing page. For instance, having a dedicated landing page for every campaign, channel, or buyer persona will cater to the relevant audience visiting that landing page.

Test & Test Again

It’s important to understand that a landing page that converts keeps changing based on trends of your target audience. You can significantly impact the conversion rate of your landing page by continuously testing the landing pages and using heat-mapping tools like Hotjar. These tools help understand your website visitor’s behavior and gauge where your website gets the most clicks.

Final Thoughts

There can be a vast scope of why your landing page conversion rate isn’t improving. Using these guides can help you identify whether it’s something related to the front-end of your website or whether you’ll need to consult a technical expert regarding your website’s hosting.


The tips mentioned above can help you build a landing page that connects well with your audience. If you enjoyed reading this article and wish to add your two cents, feel free to drop your strategy in the comments section below.